ALL+互動英語    2007年 NO.33  8月號

單元名稱  Applied English 生活萬用句


20句  分為四個小單元  話不多說  開始吧~!!

第一單元  Meeting That Special Someone   遇見真命天子/女

1. 你對我而言很特別,我希望進一步認識你

You are special to me, and I would really like to get to know you better

2. 我覺得我們有種特別的緣分

I feel like we have a special connection

3. 我喜歡你微笑的樣子,你開心我就開心

I like the way you smile. Making you happy makes me happy

4. 只要能在你身邊我就很高興了  我想多陪陪你

Just being near you makes me happy.  I would like to spend more time with you

5. 我很幸運能認識你  認識你是世界上最棒的事情

I think that I'm very lucky to know you.   Knowing you is the best thing in the world

第二單元   The Relationship Grows 親密關係發酵期

6. 我喜歡你現在的樣子

I like you for who you are

7. 我要你知道我是真的喜歡你

I want you to know that I really like you

8. 我無時無刻都在想你

I think about you all of the time

9. 我想告訴你我愛上你了

I want you to know that I'm falling for you

10. 我想讓你知道我是怎麼樣的一個人

I want to show you the type of person that I really am

11. 我如果不告訴你我對你的感覺,我以後一定會後悔   我如果不說出來,我一定會後悔

If I don't tell you how I feel, I will regret it for the rest of my life
If I don't get this off my chest, I will regret it for the rest of my life

第三單元   Making  a  Commitment

12. 我無法想像生命中沒有你會怎麼樣

I can't imagine not having you in my life

13.  我想為你變得更好

Because of you, I want to be a better person

14. 我發誓我不會放開你

I swear I will never let you go

15 我不想再離開你

I don't ever want to be away from you again

第四單元  The Relationship Ends 分手與別離

16 我必須老實告訴你我真正的感受

I have to be honest and tell you how I truly feel

17 我不想傷害你 可是我不覺得快樂

I don't want to hurt you , but I,m not happy anymore

18 A:我很抱歉,我想我們並不適合

     A: I'm sorry, but I don't think we're right for each other
     B:Is it something I did or said?

19 A 希望我們永遠是好朋友

      A:I hope we will always be good  friends
      B:I  don't  know  if  that  will be possible

20 A 我想我們稍微放慢腳步會比較好
     B 我們何不就到此為止,各走各的路?

     A: I think it would be better if we slow things down for a little bit
     B: Why don't we just call it a wrap and go our separate ways?

情人節阿   除了要想一下它能不能吃之外  還要注意會不會入手好人卡


預祝有情人終成眷屬  沒情人要帶可魯 (押韻耶~真酷)

七夕對我來說  是個可以吃雞酒跟油飯的日子 


也許可以去湊個熱鬧   XD

我的網誌難得出現這麼多英文字母阿   (茶)

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